The Black Siri

Did you know there was a Black Siri? He is a cool brother! He’s been my assistant for a couple years. To add him, go to your iPhone settings menu, Siri and Search, then Siri Voice. He’s voice 3 under American.

If you’re already on iOS17, you can say “Hey Siri, read this page” on any website article.

Go ahead, try it.

So I’ve updated my website which was more like “from scratch” this time. I couldn’t easily transfer all my blog posts. It was either manually publish them again one by one or use a workaround. I think I caused more work for myself with the workaround. I still have to go and fix quite a bit in each post. I’ve fixed about 100 of them and I have a million to go. But my new website is FIRE - pats back.

By having Siri read my posts, I can catch typos and get a good laugh at the same time. Him reading my writing is hilarious.

I get a lot of hits on a series I wrote on Cruisin’ Alaska so I fixed those first. Prior to the series I wrote about travel anxiety. Listening to a cool brother read aloud about which purse to take was pretty funny. Go take a listen.

Sporadically Yours, Kenya

Sporadically Yours

I am a Writer, a Mom, the Photographer's wife, and the published author of a funny, comic relief series of books.

I am my brand. I am the genre that I write.

I am me and I am Sporadically Yours.


A [Little] Big Ben


The [Old Man, the Old Mom] and the Teen College Visit